Gestational sac

Hi went for scan. Im around 5w5days. Doc could only see the gestational sac and nothing else. Do you think its still early? Called up a few gynae clinics and was informed that 5 weeks is still very early. Gynae Docs in hospital usually accepts patients only when they are around 8 weeks and above in order to see the yolk sac and heartbeat. Anyone experience this before?

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Hello Mommy, it’s normal! This is mine when I was about 5weeks. It’s too early to see the sac with fetus inside. I also got worried but on my next check up, i already saw it with fetus. Just wait and relax! 🤗

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Yes still very early. I exp it before. Can only see the sac and was told to come for next appt in 2 weeks times.

3y ago

So sorry not trying to scare u, unfortunately i had a miscarriage my first baby 2 days after that check up. But just be positive alright. Some people may experience things differently. Hope all goes well for you.