Cystic space during ultrasound

I went for my first ultrasound and the Gynae said could not detect any gestational sac or yolk sac. As per calculated by last period I was suppose to be 5 weeks. Doc said might be too early. But in the ultrasound, there could see a cystic space. Did anyone experience that? Does the cystic space means a baby is forming soon? Pls advice #firsttimemom

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i did transvaginal ultrasound scan at private gynae at week5 and could see much clearly than the tummy ultrasound at kkh. idk if a clearer view would advise better? did doctor refer u to go back again for follow up weeks later? meanwhile u could only wait and pray! stay positive!

2y ago

we shall both press on together and hope for the best! ❤ my ultrasound at kkh wasn't clear either so don't overly doubt yourself and eat healthily and rest more!

i had the same experience, in week 4 when I went for first scan. second scan in week 7, can see the sac also heard the heartbeat and know the EDD

2y ago

Thank you for your sharing! You had a cystic space at week 4 too? I hope I get the same results as you in my next appointment too :)

it might be too early. cystic space does not mean a baby will form, it means it’s a cyst forming instead.

So does that mean I’m going to have a cyst as well? Could that complicate the pregnancy?