What should I give 2.6 year old which Supplements/ vitamins Indian style? He always falls sick, catch cold every month twice.. I yet not started anything.. What should help him in immune, height and in brain development as compared to his age group he is below line in this all?

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Hello Kavya, I think, you should not worry too much about your son not matching the ideal developmental parameters because all children are different and they have their growth depends on how their body functions. I will share with you that my eldest brother was barely 5 feet when he was in 9th standard. He was obviously the shortest amongst majority of boys one could compare him with. But eventually, he shoot to 5'9 inches by the time he was in first year of college. So, all I mean to say is, do not resort to supplements. Give him healthy and nutritious diet and he will do good. Also, kids as young as yours often fall ill because of cold and cough, there is nothing to worry. But if you have concerns, please consult his paediatrician for better guidance.

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