Labour length and when does it go to c-sec?
How long were you in labour for? Would I have to do c-sect if my labour exceeds 15 hours?

I’ve been wondering abt this too. These are the answers I got from friends and family. Concluded that sometimes isn’t about how long you have been in labour: - When your condition is still possible to continue normal labour or your baby is already come down halfway you will be given option to continue or do c-section. - If your condition is escalating to riskier situation you’ll be asked for c-section. - If your baby hasn’t come down yet and stuck (asynctilism) you’ll be given options to use forceps/ vacuums or do c-section. Most will opt for c-sections as in the past forceps are famous for the root cause of cone head babies.
Read moreHey. It depends what labour you’re in.. if it’s due to contractions, show or water bag burst. For me, it was induced labour.. however my contractions stopped and my water bag burst already. So I had to do c-sect within 6hours. There are mummies who induce labour and water bag hasn’t burst.. baby still safe and sound so labour can continue.. it really depends case by case. So it’s best to trust your gynae on this. There’s a wa sharing platform if you’d like to join
Read moreI was in labour for 32 hours ..pain started at midnight 1am on 17th march..slightly I would have contractions for 10 minutes once then by morning 5 minutes once evening I got admitted by 5pm (17th march) water bag didn't break so they did it themselves..the contractions were painful baby girl was born next day morning at 9am (18th march) . It was my first pregnancy may be that is why took this much time.. They did not opt for c sec since the baby heartbeat was good and there was everything normal..and it was already on cephalic position
Read moreNot, the length of your labour is not a good indicator that you require cesarean as long as baby's heartbeat remain strong and that your labour progress even though it is slow. There were women who went through a three days two nights labour as first time mother. It is usually caused by baby's less optimal position for labour and birth. Do change position, move about in labour to get your baby into a better position for birth. See some maternal positioning for labour.
Read moreI was in labor for 16 hours. The doctor was concerned because my amniotic fluid was getting low so she recommended C-section but I didn’t want to so I pushed every time I felt contractions and within the last 2 hours, my cervix dilated from 5-6 cm to 10 cm. By the way, many moms are in labor for more than 24 hours and it doesn’t mean that you need to go for C-section. It depends on your baby’s condition. Good luck!
Read moreWife total timing in labour 19hr ward. Went in with 3cm open waited for 7hr for water burst but didnt so doctor break it 3hr later contractions kick in and jab epidural 4hr later open 6cm waited other 4hr open 10cm took 20min plus push out baby waited 1hr for stitching and prepare go ward.
My labour is 12hrs. Full test of labor parin po. Ang indications for cs lang po ay 1.)kung matagal pa magopen ang cervix tapos nahihirapan po ang heart ni baby, 2.)Hindi mag open and cervix like 5cm x more than 2 hrs na, 3.)10 cm fully dilated na pero ayaw bumaba ng ulo ni baby.
Read moreNo that's not how it works. The doctor will choose for a c-section if they realise your baby is breached, or if the umbilical cord is around his or her neck, or you run out of steam and can't push anymore. Good luck with your labour. I spent about 11 hours for mine.
A friend of mine went through an unscheduled c section after nearly 24 hours! She was a first time mum then and for whatever reasons, her cervix was just not dilating well enough despite having (painful) contractions all that time. She was also getting super exhausted by then.
For me natural birth, on 31st August around 2.30pm i am 3cm dilated and 11.30pm 4cm dilated, i had contraction it got worse till i had epidural and at 8am gynae came into birth room she told me baby head is coming out, 8.18am baby is out. I took 9 minutes