Induce labour

Anyone can share their experience being induced? When did they induce you and how did it turn out for you? Length of labour/how many weeks you were/ etc?

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I was induced on the edd date because I confused my IBS with contractions (my flairs were painful so I thought I was having contractions) the gynae suggested to do induced labour as the next day was my edd. I was induced on the 8th of October at 5pm. Waterbag didn't burst until 11pm. But the pill they gave was a one time pill and contractions begins after one hour inserted. Legit was having the pain of my life. Laughing gas and the injection meds didn't work. I think I fainted from the pain and the exhaustion from the pain. Finally at 8am of 9th of October, I told my husband that I needed the epi (me & husband agreed that the moment I asked for epidural, it means I cannot handle the pain anymore) and I was only 6cm dilated. They did not give full epi (I shouldve asked about the epidural before the induce but I was confident that I wouldn't feel pain after epidural) as they wanted me to feel the pressure and know when to push. at 1030Am, I was 9cm dilated and I had to push to make it 10cm, by then I was already in so much pain since the previous evening, I just wanted my baby out, at 11:30 am, I was finally 10cm and because I took too much laughing gas and meds, my baby came out high at 1147( I wouldn't recommend to push as hard as I did, I was too high, I thought my baby would suffocate if his head was already in my tunnel, I felt silly afterwards 😅) my advice would be, only to do it when you really need it. cause the pain is unbearable until my husband was scared for me & usually I can handle pain without meds.

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My 1st labour have to be induced at 40 weeks.Insert pill at 8pm i dont feel any contractions but nurse say that the pain is there.Then insert another pill at 2am,still can laugh n joke with my husband plus can sleep but pain come n go.Then at 8am the pain comes after breakfast the pain like nobody business.Doc recommend me to take epi because when she check at 12pm just dilated 3cm but my husband quite sceptical about it.While controlling my contractions pain,i talk to my hubby why i need that epi so finally he agreed to it.I got my epi at 2pm and finally i manages to deliver at ard 6pm but with the help of vacuum n forceps. As for my 2nd deliveries,just last feb.I have to be induced at 39 weeks as doc quite concern due to my age.Insert pill at 11am the contractions starts to come at 1 plus then ard 3pm i ask for epi because if i hold on to it i may get to csect so i chose to have epi and my husband have to agree to it to avoid me to go to csect.Ard 2 am i managed to deliver. My experience for both are totally different.

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I was induced at week 38+4 bc of low amniotic fluid. I was admitted at 5pm+ and they induced me at 8pm+, to be honest the insertion of the induction was more painful than any cervical checks I've had. Anyway I slowly had mild contractions that I didn't know were contractions 😅 I could stand the pain surprisingly until they checked me at 7am+ the next morning and found that I was already 3cm dilated. Once you're 3cm dilated, you're ready to go into labour ward. They brought me to the labour ward at 1pm+ as there wasn't an available room before that, I started having much more intense and frequent contractions after a while. They checked me once again and I was only at 4cm dilation. That was when I requested for epidural, and eventually fell asleep. When they woke me up at 4pm+ to check, I was fully dilated and started pushing close to 5pm. Gave birth just past 6pm :) only side effects from epidural was shivering.

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hi mummy, i was induced at 37wks. checked in at 8am, inserted cervidil at 10am. contractions started at 12pm. 8 hours later, only 3cm dilated :’) rushed down from induction labour ward to triage because was in immense pain and needed the laughing gas to help bc the thigh jab didnt help. 9pm, laughing gas didnt help. couldnt move at all and was moved to the labour ward. 10pm doc gave epidural. 12am 4cm dilated :’). given oxytocin and at 6am i was 8cm dilated. 8am they checked and i was 9cm dilated. 8:30 gynae came in and wanted to do a crash csect cos both my heartbeat and baby’s was no good, but baby was crowning. 8:45 started to push, 9:03 baby was out. normal delivery vacuum. so i guess around almost 24hrs of crazy traumatic labour. :’)

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3y ago

i had cholestasis!

Baby 1: 39 weeks 6 days- 1 cm dilated. Admitted 10pm. Inserted 2 pills. Gynae burst water bag at 4cm dilation. Got Epidural 1 hr later, so pain still manageable. Only after epidural was in did they start the drip to speed up labour / contractions. Pushed baby out at 4pm. Baby 2: around 38 weeks, 3cm dilated. Admitted 10pm. Didn’t insert pill. Opted for epidural first before Gynae burst water bag cos I know once the water breaks, contractions will ramp up. Can’t remember if they put a drip to speed up the process. Pushed baby out 4am. Induction turns out so differently for each person and also different for the same mom across pregnancies. Hope all goes well for you!

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I was induced at 37 weeks. Checked in at 9am. I was inserted cervidil once every 6hrs starting from 10am for 2 days. I guess my body did not respond well to the induction. Evening of day 2, I was still only 3cm dilated. They brought me to labour suite and manually broke my waterbag at 5pm and that’s when the labour started. I took epidural and was in and out of sleep until 1am when I was fully dilated and had to start pushing. My baby didn’t wanna come out for some reason and her heartbeat went off the roof. Didn’t go down even though we waited for her to calm down so had to go through csect. She was born at 3.26am, almost 42hrs since the start of induction.

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3y ago

Cos I'm now at 37+2 wks, I have mild contractions on n off until my buttock can feel it & lightning crotch too. But not waterbag burst soo far.

I was induced at 40 weeks as baby didn't want to come out. gynae broke my water bag as I only 3cm dilated. nurse came back to check on me and I requested for epidural ( though there was no pain).. after few hours i only dilated 8cm there was no progress still.. baby still don't want to come out. gynae came to check on baby and told me that baby heartbeat is dropping and requested me to go for e- c section. hence we agreed as I am afraid. so they push me to the opts room, baby was out. admitted since 10am gave birth to baby at 4 plus pm and I feel no pain at all except the side effect of epidural (shivering)

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Induced on EDD, inserted cervidil at around 10am waited till next day morning 4cm dilated. Send down to delivery suite & was dripped w oxytocin. After the drip the contraction is damn intense so opted for epidural. Nurse told me by right after drip is 1hr will dilate 1cm but my labour quite fast. Baby came out at 2pm. Labour around 3hours.

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5mo ago

is it medisave claimable for the induction day?

hi mummy! i was induced 40w2d cos my bb woudn't come out. was induced 2x, waited for 15h for my cervix to dilate, but ended up getting csect. my pain tolerance is quite high so the contractions were tolerable for me. but the csect wound was painful tbh. needed alot of painkillers to tahan the pain

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i was in my week 34 (premature rupture membrane - leaked water bag) induced at 8.14pm, contractions came every 3 min after an hour. only took laughing gas & a jab. deliver 5.5 hours later. doctor said epidural can be given only after 6 hours after induced. the pain was horrible.

2y ago

Ohh okok …