Very annoyed. hub and I are planning a anniversary trip on nov to Taiwan tgt with lo. & mil commented that LO is still too young. Never mind. than after that, she said to go with them to Taiwan in dec. Damn annoying, in nov LO is 6 months old, Dec is 7 months old. 6 months old counted as young, 7 months old is not?

Well all for the good of your kids. Look in a different perspective. When you insist that you are right and someone is wrong there is no room to see the value. Not only you put yourself at a spot that you are upset. You likely to put your relationship at strain with your husband and mil. All that for a month wait? Pause and think. It is always the small things that matters. One wrong "thing" and people will not see the nine right "things" you have done. Dont go down that path. (This is for both husbands too, not worth it.) No matter how right we might be, sometimes just to prove we are right that instant just destroy what you build and put relationship at strain what for? Being right doesnt pay, what matter is peace and love for your love one :)
Read moreI also wanted to plan a trip w hub and bring lo..but family members keep saying too young.and baby knows nothing....he will be almost 7mo....but the thing is the trip is not for the baby but more for us. As our baby is easy to manage i am confident to bring him along. For your case i guess your mil initially felt unsafe for such a young baby to travel overseas and afraid both of u cant manage as you will be babysitting most of the times. Are u the main caregiver? Or is she the one? So she probably feels having herself around would make things easier to manage so suggest u all to go with them. Its annoying to hear such comments....i feel you!!
Read morehi! I'm the main caregiver, and I only DL baby.. so bacially baby cant be without me.. hahaha..
Oh dear. I reckon maybe your MIL is worried that you and your husband cannot manage with LO and maybe that's her way offering help or hinting that she wants to join the family holiday, Old people are like that sometimes, they say things one way but they actually mean well. Can be quite irritating but I'm sure we are all accustomed to how old folks are with these things. Since it's an anniversary trip, just tell her that directly, say you need privacy (to make baby number 2 maybe -- that should stop her from coming along haha) and insist that you and your husband can manage just fine.
Read morehmm.. I don't think it's tht.. as I'm the main caregiver.. and I DL only.. I was thinking maybe she just want us to go as a family and spend time tgt.. I know her intention is good, but just tht her way of telling me, I find it a lil annoying. hahahaha.
sigh.. I hear you.. But I guess it could be like what Yuna suggested. She simply wants to be a part of the trip. Just curious, did they plan to have a Dec trip to Taiwan prior to knowing about your Nov one? Anyway, I think best would be to discuss with your husband. If it is feasible, you can consider a short weekend getaway in Nov and join your in-laws for the Taiwan trip in Dec. (Though I know the main point is her contradicting words that is annoying, guess some give and take will make things easier for everyone.)
Read morenahh.. not possible for two trips as hubby is the only one working.. yea, I was thinking maybe she want us to go as a family trip.. I know her intention is good, but just a lil annoying... hahahah...
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