Machine wash for baby new clothes?
Hi, Can we use washing machine to wash baby new clothes?

Generally is fine. Just Ensure that it’s not mixed with other clothes and check the machine filter - sometimes it contains so much dirt, threads, etc from previous batches that may be bad. If so, clean that up and should be fine. If you are still concerned use a little anti bacteria or similar liquid - the ones which are safe for babies
Read moreYes. I machine washed baby clothes too. But strictly baby clothes in the washer only. Detergent i used adult ones but a little bit only.
yes go ahead but don't mix with adults clothing. for small items put in laundry bag. Remember to use baby detergent as it's more gentle
It ia always better to hand wash but whenever I used the washing machine I used this detergant called DREFT it is for baby clothes.
Yes. I do that often. I will separate my son clothes with our clothes and wash them with gentle spinning setting.
Yes you can, but try not to mix with other clothing and use baby detergent only... Ideally, hand wash if possible
Use baby clothes friendly detergent and baby clothes wash setting in washing machine and you should be fine
Yes. I use a very mild soap for washing baby clothes - not necessarily a specialist baby laundry detergent.
Yes of course but don’t mix up with others clothes for hiegenic purpose until atleast 1yr
Better to hand wash but if u need to use washing machine then please use very mild detergent