csec and natural birth?
is it true that if firat labour csec usually second onwards will be csec as well? please share your experience
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For 2nd baby, u can choose for trial of scar. But under supervision. If the labor went prolonged or having difficulties like fetal distress, they might proceed for emergency csec . It doesnt matter SVD or CSec, as long as mummy n baby having safe delivery.
Not really. I had caesar for first baby and normal delivery for second baby. But before that, at week 36 I had to meet a specialist to check whether I can deliver normally for the second baby.
tak betul la..abaikan cakap org..doa yg baik..mana2 pun ok as long as baby and mummy sihat ok ☺
Not necessary.. The 1st child csec and 2nd child normal delivery
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