7 Replies

Well, the moment you start “threatening” me, I won’t bother anymore. But make sure you don’t suddenly get excited when you see baby. I know you meant good but if I got my own preference, do respect it. If she insist on freelance, take a sum of money from her, tell her in case Freelance didn’t appear/many problems, you will use the money to re-engage one since she insisted on freelance.

Thanks for the reply 🫶🏻 good idea😂

you can let her know that agency is regulated and in case of anything thay happens, you can lodge a complaint to the agency. but if freelance, if they decided to take your job but dont turn up, then GG. one of my friend got this and its so stressful esp cos its nearing her edd and getting a replacement so last min is tough

Yes exactly that’s what I said.. and then it just goes out of her ear and she just thinks I’m not listening to her :(

If currently ure pregnant, better dun take herbs. Some herbs will cause miscarriage. 2 things my gynae told me not to take is raw food & herbs. Dun make urself angry, baby is URS, u definitely have the right to decide for urself and ur child. Jiayou!! 💪🏻

Yeah I thought so that’s why I told her :/ thanks🫶🏻

I think you should just leave it as it is because once babys born, im sure shell invite herself to want to be the excited grandmother again haha.

Thank you 🫶🏻

Hahaha sounds similar to my mother. Mine also kept comparing her time and now. Just tell her it’s your pregnancy and u wanna do it your way.

Yeah sigh and gets offended when I don’t do it her way.. so frustrating

Some mothers just cannot get over their times. Their times are long gone.

Ikr doesn’t mean it was correct during their times also


haiz~ age old issue 😩

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