70 Replies

Cheating is an absolute NO for me which I've clearly made it known to my husband right frm the start when we were dating. I've experienced how traumatic it was to have a father who cheated and married another without my mom's permission. Although their marriage miraculously lasted till now as he had divorced the 3rd party, our family's trust in him is lost and we find it almost impossible to forgive. Cheating isn't just a mistake, it's a deliberate choice!

Super Mum

Agree. In this day and age, so many distractions and possibilities. My husband is only human. Yes, I will forgive AND forgive because it could happen to me too.

will never forgive and will just walk away from the relationship ..why live with trust issues afterwards... would rather live alone then being cheated on...


Nope. 👉 Will you ❤ this first moment my baby and me was born please, https://community.theasianparent.com/booth/1186465?d=android&ct=b&share=true

It's not about whether I agree or disagree to this question. Why would I even consider this as a question worth pondering on in the first place?

No, and never will. Once the d oath is broken, there is nothing that can repair it, not even a hundred years. May we all be protected.

Have a two way agreement. If he cheats, then she is free to have her own sex life outside of the marriage too.

I do forgive but we’ve to talk about the cheating. He has to be accountable and responsible for his acts!

Haha Didn’t exactly forgive. Just pretended to be ok and when he wasn’t looking ran off with the kid

VIP Member

At this point in time, disagree. Some pain can never be forgotten even with time.

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