Sleep training

Any thoughts or experiences on sleep training to share? I'm worried about putting my baby under stress.

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The previous generations followed the Ferber method or cry out method before. But studies have shown the anxiety and stress levels in babies and they tend to not call out for help anymore. So personally im very much against it myself. As of now i dont do sleep training and please dont pay for these courses also ok. Smol babies need touch and warmth and love. They've just been shocked into the open world after being in the comfort of ur body for months so contact naps are normal. But also at the expense of ur mental health and inability to do anything else. If ure able to just dont sleep train honestly. Just slowly set routines e.g. warm bath at six pm, story time and tummy time at 630. Diaper change at 645, 7pm cluster feeding, 8pm dim room lights, story time and switch on a quiet background sound. 815 lights out and hugs. everytime baby wakes up fussing i feed/at/shush/hug. Im still at the earlier months so im still holding on hard. And its working for me but yea each baby is so different. Dont forget the teething, growth spurt, changes in sleep cycle will just smash all routines to bits. So restart the whole routine cycle all over again. Once again have fun enjoying these tiring nights. Its gonna go by so fast and before u know it theyre sleeping without ur help in a couple of years 😢Goodluck mommy?

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2y ago

thanks for sharing your view.❤

I don’t sleep train too :) maybe have a structured schedule to follow, but definitely not cry to sleep.

2y ago


how old is your baby? it depends on each parent’s comfort level

2y ago

8 months old


no sleep training for my kidz