emergency c sec
hi for those that has emergency c sec before. Dont mind sharing why......

Was induced but baby heartbeat dropped everytime they administered oxytocin. The heartbeat stopped beating for a few seconds even. Then gynae said need e csec cause baby appeared to be in distressed and I was only 6cm dilated. When csec baby was found to be wrapped by the umbilical cords.
Some reasons: - in labour but baby’s in breech position or some other non-ideal position - failure for labour to progress (cannot dilate to 10cm) - mum tires out and can’t push baby out (sometimes related to large baby size) - baby’s in distress and heart rate trend isn’t good
Read moreBaby heartbeat drop, so no choice to csect after enduring for 10hrs without epi
Unable to dilate even after 16 hours of induced labour
Water bag burst and baby still in breech position..
Unable to dilate after 20hours and waterbag burst.
Umbilical cord around baby’s head
Water bag burst, unable to deliver
water bag damaged
Breech position