How much breast milk is normal?
Hi there, I’m a FTM and my baby is 6weeks old now… I’m breastfeeding exclusively and I do latching all the time. Baby is on the small side, weight gain slower than average. May I know how much milk do you guys produce? I only get about 60ml from both side. Is it enough?
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If you’re latching most of the time and then pumping and getting 60ml, there’s probably 2 possibilities. 1) Baby is not latching well hence your boob is not clearing. 2) Baby is latching well but you are oversupply. Anyways, excess you can store and freeze to build up stash. As long as baby is producing enough wet diapers, drinking well and no discomfort I wouldn’t worry too much on the weight. As long as you nurse frequently, baby should be drinking enough. 😊
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