13 Replies

Painless after taking epi. But gotta tell the midwives to control the dosage so that it wont be too much right from beginning. A bit shivering and hallucination. Legs numb coz cant feel anything at all. Have to depend on gynae cue to push

I really needed it coz baby was facing upwards instead of down. The pain on my spine was unbearable and gas didn't work anymore. Side effects were itching all over my body, shivering and numb legs.

VIP Member

Omg lifesaver... nvr regretted taking it.. i took it thrice, only once had v bad shivering as the side effect.. the other 2 times i was ok

VIP Member

thanks for all your replies! I'm a first time mom and my tolerance for pain is very lowww so I feel scared to go thru labour pains..

Don’t worry mummy! My advice is don’t watch any labor and epidural administering video to scare yourself even further. When I took epidural, I didn’t even watch how the doctor prepare the injection and everything is administered with a breeze. You can do it :)

Only con was having very bad shivering. Like others said, must control the dosage because I totally can’t feel my legs

Pros: Painless delivery Cons: Shivering, vomiting and really cannot feel that your baby is coming out of you.

Pros: painless Cons: shivering but manageable On low dose so I could still feel slightly.

I didnt feel any labour pain. For side effects, I just had shivering and vomitting.

Super Mum

I vomited but it’s ok as it’s not that painful after epidural

Painless delivery. Cons are side effects: fever and shivering.

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