Hi parents, which new feature would you like to see in our app?
Voice your Opinion
1. Ask the expert Q&A with doctors
2. Product and shopping reviews
3. Recipes
4. Vaccination tracker
5. Events calendar
881 responses
29 Replies
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VIP Member
Is it possible to have all?? May be also have a platform to selling of second hand baby's stuff as well...
It’s nice to hear what the community has to say about the baby products in the market
probably recipes since its the Circuit breaker period right now
Help mums de-stress with lots of recipe to follow
Reputable doctors doing FAQs would be great
Would Love that so that i don’t need to
Helpful to know when vaccines are due
Expert Q&A will be really helpful
Expert Q&A would help greatly
VIP Member
Occassionally...I love to cook
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