When can i have ultrasound for the gender of my baby? is it safe to have multiple ultrasound just in case they cannot see the gender as early as 20w?
thank you so much for those who will answer my question. have a good day moms out there ❤️

Kadalasan po sa 20 weeks pinag Congenital Anomaly scan para din malaman gender ni baby. if ever na hindi nakita dahil sa position ni baby your OB can request for repeat scan. tska po habang lumalaki tyan ng mommy or malapit na due e papa ultz uli yun para makita kung normal O naka breech ang baby.. Actually naka schedule din ako for Scan para malaman gender ni Baby this May pero gusto ko rin uli pag pa repeat utz around 6mos para final na ano gender ni baby
Magbasa pawait mo nalang ng 6 months. ganyan din ako di ko nalaman ang gender pero bawal kasi ung kaka ultrasound mo e magpaoa ultrasound ka ulit.
5-6 months pwede na mamshie depende po kasi yan aa position ni baby🙂 me po nakita gender 21weeks🤩 sinabay po sa CAS utz.
yes 20 weeks is the best start for gender 5mos n un... 20 weeks me ngpagender boy sya...
20 weeks possible na makita, lalo na kapag boy.
22 weeks here nkita na gender😊
Ano po yung CAS momshies?
5 to 6mos mamsh :)
Dreaming of becoming a parent