2 Balas

Better go pakar, go to kpj Damansara and look for Dr Imelda. She is the best in Malaysia for Fetal and Maternal medicine. Pergi ke dia as second opinion and tengok apa dia boleh advice. I went to her at 28w and found out ada placenta insufficiency and dapat tau baby tak growing properly. Then she diagnosed me and help me get the right help in govt Sebab if I have to preterm make sure ada nicu for baby. She is super nice too.

Per visit dalam 500 if takde ubat. Tapi cuba dapat referral, Sebab if walk in memang susah unless u mention semua high risks you ada. She only take high risks patients

Kalau boleh cuba try ni yea, hope uri naik atas cepat2 dan boleh delivery normal 🙏🏻

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