What to eat before induction
Supposed to get induced and was told to reach the hospital at around midnight.. any idea what i should eat before i get admitted?

Eat anything you wan to make urself full. Im noy sure abt govt hospital but i was given meal lunch/dinner and supper while the waiting. I had undergo induced however end up went for emergency c-section. But if you opt for epidural, they will give you medication to clear ur bowel.
Haha thanku for the replies! I did have mcchicken burger and mala potatoes from juewei in the end 🤣🤣 i asked the nurse and she said it’s ok to eat even after clearing the bowels.
i couldnt eat bc i lost all my appetite and was super hungry when i was at 5-7cm dilated hahaha i just kept asking for super cold plain water bc was too thirsty 😂
I heard spicy food can help. Might wanna google or ask around for that. I had sambal stingray before my midnight induction.
Your favourite food:) after induction, it make take a really long time before you can eat again.
Anything you like and really FULL. As the waiting process maybe long and you will be hungry.
eat anything you like or have cravings for! i had Mac before i delivered :)
When I was pregnant sometimes I had cravings for fillet o fish
Mac haha!