My supply dropped drastically at 9 months. Any mummies experiences the same thing? Anyway to boast back the supply? Thanks!!!

Drop in supply can be due to various reasons. It can be stress induced, menstruation coming, pregnancy, etc. To get it back, you need to be diligent in pumping. Say for example, you used to pump 1L daily over 5 pumps, with each pump yielding 200ml. If the yield has dropped to 150ml per pump, then you have to increase your pump sessions based on total yield you target to have in a single day. So say for example your baby drinks 800ml, you need to pump minimum 6 sessions to produce enough for your baby. This is to let your body know that it should still produce x amount of milk in a single day, and supply will increase over time. For a quick booster, can try milk inducing food and power pumping. Power pumping requires you to pump 10min, stop 10min, and repeat this pump cycle thrice over an hour. Do it at the same time of the day for optimal effect. It tricks your body into thinking that your baby is doing cluster feeding and hence starts to prepare more milk over time.
Read moreAlso, make sure that you are eating well, drinking enough and getting ample rest. Adding an additional pump session may help. Trying some milk booster (effectiveness differs for every woman) like fenugreek, oatmeal, salmon, milo (just to name a few) may help as well. Take care! Hope you can successfully bring up your supply again! :)
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