A week before my period in April, my BM supply dropped by a lot compared to the the last few months just before my period came. Usually, my supply will bounce back after my period. However, it was not the same this time round. My supply did not bounce back to what it was before. Is it possible/ are there ways to get back my supply?

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Besides the usual milk boosters, maybe you can consider taking a supplement that contains both magnesium and calcium? The drop in milk supply associated with your period can be due to a drop in blood calcium levels which occurs in the middle of your cycle, around the time of ovulation. The recommended supplement dosage is between 500 mg calcium/250 mg magnesium and 1500 mg calcium/750 mg magnesium. Always take calcium dosages this high with magnesium or else the calcium will not be properly absorbed into your body.

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8y ago

Thanks! Just bought the calcium, magnesium and zinc supplements. Hope it helps!

Are you direct latching your baby? Try to latch more often and drink more soups such as fish papaya soup to boost your milk supply. If you are doing pumping, you can try to pump at a close interval at the same time take milk booster soups.

8y ago

Yeah! I direct latch baby. Only pump when I am at work. Sadly, I can't find any milk boosters.