Belly binder
Do you start wearing belly binder in the hospital after natural birth? If not, how long later?

For #1, I bought it from the hospital the day after I delivered. Somehow makes my csect wound less uncomfortable. #2 was natural birth, I only wore it after I was discharged. The stomach cramps alr making me very uncomfortable, so I didn’t bother wearing it in the hospital. This is the one I’m using. When I bought it from mt a 3 years back, it was $80. Now SuperMom Black Friday sale only $69. Still can get additional 10% off
Read moreUsually for normal delivery wear binder when you do post natal massage. After massage then jamu lady will help you to wrap /bind Natural birth – 5 to 7 days after Caesarean Birth – 21 days after (depends on wounds ) Have you book yet? Pls do if haven’t
Read moreApparently, you can start wearing at the hospital once you can walk. It’s for support. Just be mindful not to apply too much pressure if your belly still hurts. You can slowly make it tighter as you recover.
Hey, Usually it is recommended to put belly binder after the post natal massage. Shows better results
I did not. I had post natal massage 1 day after discharge and the lady bind for me...
Yuppp i buy it from the hospital they will help u wrap. I feel less pain wearing it
Yes, right after delivery. My nurses helped me put it. Even compression socks!
Yes! Can wear immediately if natural birth.
I started a week after discharge from hospital
Use it aft post pregnancy massage