45 Replies

1. Different temperature on air conditioner (22 vs. 26 degree celcius) 2. ⁠Flower vase on side table (Small vs. Big) 3. ⁠Spider web beside air conditioner (None vs. Web) 4. ⁠Mobile phone on coffee table (One vs. None) 5. ⁠Toolbox beside coffee table (One vs. None)


1. Temperature (Left 22 and Right 26 degree) 2. Tool Box (Left with tool box, Right missing toolbox) 3. Spider Web (Left no web, Right web at air conditioner) 4. Flower Vase(Left Shorter pot, right taller pot) 5. Handphone (left on the table, right missing phone)

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The handphone on the table, tool box (missing toolbox), flower vase (big/small vase), spider web, temperature (different degree),

Thank you for participating! Don't forget to hit "participate" button on the contest page attached above! 😍

temperature display on AC flower vase on table web beside AC handphone on table tool box side table on bottom right

Thank you for participating! Don't forget to hit "participate" button on the contest page attached above! 😍

1. Temperature on the air-con 2. Flower Vase 3. Cobweb 4. The handphone on the table 5. Tool box

Thank you for participating! Don't forget to hit "participate" button on the contest page attached above! 😍

lext is when you didn't know of Coolfix, right is when you finally do!

1. Temperature... 2. Spiderweb 3. tool box 4. phone 5. vase

temperature, flower vase, tool box coolfix, spider web,

Tmeperature, spider web, tool box, phone, flower vase

spider web, temperature, flower vase, tool kit box

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