When Is Mensus Aft Miscarriage
Sorry to ask but when will mensus come after miscarriage. My mensus is usually regular even before i got married and had a child. Will the cycle starts frm the day I miscarried?
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After my miscarriage in March last year, my first 3 cycle came late. April was about 1-2weeks late, May & June was a few days late. July onwards was back to normal 28 days cycle. A miscarriage might also affect your next ovulation date. Stay strong!
My miscarriage was in July 2019. My period was in fact six weeks later, as a regular cycle. I conceived again in October of that same year. Hang in there!! *Hugs*
5y ago
Alhamdulillah. Thank you. Im trying to conceive again after few mths of trauma. Insya Allah.
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