My son had his BCG vaccination on his upper butt in april. It's been slightly more than 3 months and occasionally he has bleeding and it stains his diaper. Is it normal or should I he concerned and consult a pediatrician?

Mine also is at butt. I think someone once told me before private hospitals will put at butt, then public will put on arm. Not sure if true. Anyway, I was also quite concern with blood, so I put hansaplast and pd says it's normal. Around 4 months+ no more bleeding.
It usually takes a while to scab off and dry up (few months) but if you’re worried about infection or a non healing wound, you can bring it up with your PD/during your polyclinic visit.
Huh?? Tot it should be taken on the left side of the arm always, better check with your pd soonest.
That is weird. See a PD