My son is 19 months old .... but he always cry at night suddenly ... i checked his diaper its not so wet ... i feed him at night too ... still he cries ... don't know why

hi dear, even though other moms feel it could be colic, i would suggest you try those remedies and also look for other causes. colic usually happens between 2 to 5 months, but your baby is now 19 months, almost heading to the 2nd year, so it is unlikely that it is colic. one reason that could be a possible cause for the pain and discomfort is lactose intolerance, that is if your baby has milk and dairy products, including even breastmilk. our younger one was diagnosed with the same around 10 months of age. often the symptoms are same as colic, but an additional symptom would be difficulty in passing stool. please definitely check with the doc. and in the meantime, massage your baby's navel area with a mix of heeng and water, as it will help release any gas buildup that could cause pain.
Read moreHello, Yes, I, too, think it can be pain because of colic. I remember, my youngest baby would keep me awake the whole night and used to cry. And whenever I would keep her on the bed she would start crying. I had to hold her each day in my arms past midnight till early morning. In my case, I even tried giving gripe water to relieve colic but it didn't work. With her, it was perhaps a phase that became fine on its own after a month or so, and she started sleeping well. I suggest, ask the doctor if she is not feeling fine after giving medicine for colic.
Read moreHello Sweta, It may be colic. Babies often have pain in their stomach because of colic, that is gas. Try giving him gripe water or anything that your doctor prescribes for it. You can also put a paste of asafoetida on his navel, it also relieves colic. All you have to do it put asafoetida in a bowl and add a little warm water to it so that it melts and make a paste of it and apply it every day after bathing.
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