11 Replies

VIP Member

My kids like the current Similac so will definitely let them try the new formula as they come with 5-MO and Gangliosides to help support immunity, brain and eye development. Will request for samples from https://www.family.abbott/sg-en/similac/get-samples/similac-gain-kid-s4-sample.html?utm_source=EDM&utm_medium=AbbottSimilacSite&utm_campaign=TAPAdvocacyCampaign&utm_content=S3SamplePage to let them try out!

VIP Member

I haven’t trued it myself but they have free samples here: https://www.family.abbott/sg-en/similac/get-samples/similac-gain-kid-s4-sample.html?utm_source=EDM&utm_medium=AbbottSimilacSite&utm_campaign=TAPAdvocacyCampaign&utm_content=S3SamplePage

VIP Member

Keen to try the new formula too, considering to get the sample first to try. So far currently my kid is good with her current Similac formula, she likes it very much. If she likes the new one then why not, better for her growth and development.

VIP Member

Less sweet cos no sucrose. Give it a try here: https://www.family.abbott/sg-en/similac/products/similac-gain-stage3.html?utm_source=EDM&utm_medium=AbbottSimilacSite&utm_campaign=TAPAdvocacyCampaign&utm_content=S3%20Product%20Page

VIP Member

My kid taking similac from so long, wan a try this new Similac Gain. As I heard there is no sucrose, so I wonder howz the taste of it. Will request for a sample to try

Super Mum

Haven’t tried similac but will do so when the sample pack arrive. If the kids like it and it’s healthier, no reason to not switch.

VIP Member

My son is ok with the current formula, can't wait to let him try the new one. Hopefully he will like it too! :)

Have been giving my children similac since born, so far so good.

VIP Member




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