Should you visit after the delivery ?

My sil gave birth yesterday, and my husband told me to visit since it's what a family should do. I gave birth twice, but none of the times she visited me in hospital. Both times were not during covid, and there's no restriction. Am I being unreasonable by not wanting to visit ?

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Piece of advice: dont visit anyone who has just given birth in hospital, be it family or not. Let them rest, let them have a breather, let them have their own space. The mother just went thru the most exhausting process, she need her space. My worst regret was to let family visit after given birth.

6mo ago

Show your husb this comment. Best to only visit at home, and please ask her if shes ok for you guys to visit. Some only let after confinment


she could b occupied with other matters as u may b too, in which case i dont think it unreasonable...