37wks day 2

shld i be worry if baby is moving less? she didnt move as much as usual today, a little worrying

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Hi! Some said to choose a time that baby is usually active eg after meal times then monitor for baby’s movement. If baby doesn’t move more than 10 times within that 2 hour period, then you should get it checked. But then if it concerns you, I suggest you just get it checked! There’s nothing wrong with reassuring yourself. You’re gonna be a mummy! It’s okay to be worried and go check ☺️

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There’s lesser space for the baby to move since you’re already near full term so lesser movement but will be good to monitor and count the number of movements. What I did was I drank cold water and lied sideways, it always works and he will move! Maybe u can try that! Good luck mama!

I think it’s fine. Listen to your body and your instinct. If you’re really worried do check in with your doctor. I realized my BB would move very gentle in my tummy towards the third trimester. As long as I felt her move slightly, I count it as a relief.

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Have you tried eating something sweet ?

4y ago

will it help? cos recently just checked have a little bleeding. 🥴