"Your wife still young,why she doesn't want to be pregnant again?"

This is my second marriage, and throughout my experience, I was pregnant, I feel both husbands don't show me moral support during my pregnancy journey and this is the reason why i keep telling people this going to be the last pregnancy. I'm 17 weeks now, and this is my second child. Somedays, i had a sleepless night with tummy pain and lower back aching that felt like contraction. Sometimes, i even wake my husband up to help me comfort by rubbing my tummy and lower back. But his gesture and words of unsupportive response just caused me more stress and emotional such as "go hospital lah,if still pain like this." I'm overwhelmed sometimes. As i have 3 years old daughter, I have to handle all by myself while pregnant. I decided to stay home as house wife as for now so that my husband doesn't feel overwhelmed with my daughter as we are only 5 months married (So i understand both(my daughter & husband) transition with each other daily routine) All decisions i made are for my husband, but it seems like my effort is not seen by him. In-laws, families & friends keep saying i should continue to plan to have a child since I'm only 24 years old this year old. To them, I'm still young. But why can't these people see that men are the main reason why some women don't want to conceive anymore due to lack of support and comfort during the pregnancy! #Stopnormalisingyoungpeopleaseasyconceive!

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i realise myself that i shd conceive for myself & not for others like my hb, mil or mom... coz the responsibility ultimately falls on me *haiz~

6mo ago

I agree with you 🙁That's why i decided next year to use birth control

I personally feel, having baby is a happy moment, for husband n wife. not for others. young doesn't mean physically ready or financially ready..

6mo ago

True! especially leaving in singapore, the cost of living is insane with the income below 3k 🙁family planning is a must for this generation.