11 Balas

I think those with anon and bitter - don’t worry about them. Awak tak rugi pape. Derang pun xrugi pape. But whatever we posted here in social media, it shows how you as a person. People can be nice, kind, attentive, bitter, hater - but then it’s up to us on how to control our reaction towards these emotions. We can act up just like that bitter person, or we choose to grow up and let them pass by. It’s not worth to go to that level - and trying to beat their phd in being bitter. Grow up. Move on. Haters gonna hate.

x payah jawab laa simple, scroll je laju2.. buat malu je tua2 tunjuk perangai buruk dkt public.. akan ada org lain yg lebih murni akan tolong jawabkan..

betul tu. saya ada nampak beberapa posting yg ada org komen yg bukan2. kalau taknak komen elok2, tak perlulah komen. sakitkan hati orang je.

Biasa kalau nampak komen yg tak semenggah ni saya terus buat aduan je. Lapor pengguna tu... Harap nnti admin apps akan amik tindakan.

bukan kacau hidup kau pun .. tak nak cakap bukan2 sendiri belajar ada otak kot ..

Super Mum

let them be. 😌

Sabar ye sis

Betul tu...

Saya sokong



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