Do share your recipes for 8 mth old
Appreciate your sharing of halal recipes for an 8 month old infant? Running out of ideas already 🥴

Salam sis. Here are some ideas: FISH SWEET POTATOES PEAS PUREE: 50g diced salmon 1/3cup chopped sweet potatoes 1/4 cup peas 1tablespoon of cheese some breast milk or Formula. STEPS: Steam all the ingredients except cheese and milk for 15min. Mash it all up. Add some milk until desired consistency. Add cheese and ready to serve. EGG YOLK POTATO PUREE: 1/3 cup of chopped potatoes. 1/4 cup of chopped carrots. 1/2 cup water. 1 boiled egg yolk. STEPS: Boil potatoes, carrots and water. cook until soften. After its boiled leave some of the water and mash it all into puree. Add 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil. Mash egg yolk with folk and put it ontop of the mashed potatoes and carrot. Ready to serve!
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