screen time & autism

Regretfully, I introduced screen time to my little one at a very early age, hoping to buy some free time for myself amidst the chaos and lack of support. 😞 Now, my precious child is displaying autism-like symptoms (refuse talking, eye contact, scream when not getting screen time when he wants it... refuse eating if not watching tv/ video), and I can't help but blame myself. Has anyone experience similar thing?

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I agree with the other commenter who works with autistic children, that screen time is NOT a cause of autism. Autism is passed down through genes, you cannot cause anyone to have autism. it could be due to the stimulation from screen time that seems more interesting, your child has no interest in social interaction as it is not as exciting as what's on the screen. check out health hub's info on screen time with children. one issue with excessive screentime from a young age is short attention span. we all need attention span to pick up skills such as eye contact, verbal language, communication. if the child has short attention span, it will be challenging to learn these skills. so it doesnt mean your child has autism, but perhaps you might want to consider giving less screen time. you can take it the old school way "eat your food first, THEN you can watch your show for 15mins". if you child doesnt want to eat, YOU HAVE TO stick to the rule. your child will not starve. if they get hungry they will eventually eat. and then you celebrate your child gently with words like "hey, it's great that you're eating your food. I promise, once you are done eating, then we can watch your show for 15mins". make sure your devices like iPad is on child lock mode. so only you can unlock the screen for the show. buy a timer like that to help your child learn about counting down the time. i'm an educator, these were what worked for me when I teach children to change habits pertaining to screentime. the most important thing is you and your partner as parents DONT GIVE IN when your child screams and cries. if you respond by giving your child the screen time which is exactly what he wants, you are rewarding that behaviour, and showing to him that his way of screaming as a form of communication works. when he screams and cries, try to keep calm yourself. at the start, it might be very hard, so take yourself out of the crying space if you need. once you feel calmer, you can say with a soft voice "I hear you crying, and I dont know what you mean when you are crying. when you are ready, talk to me with your soft voice and we can eat / play together." reward your child ONLY if the desired outcome has been achieved. he wants screentime, give it only when he isnt screaming or crying. i've changed the behaviour of many children with this method... but it takes time, a lot of time 🩷 hope it works for you 🙏

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My toddler used to be quite interested in TV. He'd wake up and immediately request to watch while eating. Lately, I've been making an effort not to give in to this and instead distract him with other activities. Perhaps gradually reducing screen time to just 10 minutes and aiming for no more than half an hour of screen time each day would be beneficial, as excessive screen time isn't recommended. Introducing different toys daily or rotating them can keep him excited and engaged, or he can enjoy sensory play, art, and craft activities. Additionally, taking him outside to play and socialize can help tire him out, making it easier for him to sleep at home:) I hope things will get better for you !

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I understand the need for me time and I do also occasionally slip the phone or tablet to my child to keep occupied so I can enjoy a quick meal in peace. However, I always make it a point that my child do not eat with screen time (only exception if we are out and cannot control other people's screens.) Plenty of studies have proven that screen time is a known cause for behavioural issues with young children. I would suggest reducing your child's screen time for a start. There are many resources available online that gives examples of how much screen time a child can have and how to start reducing screen time for those who are addicted.

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Do get,pediatrician help, if you notice behaviour problems,(eg.avoiding eye contact).Professional help is good,in diagnosing whether, your child have autism.As parents,we have to spend less time,using handphone & tv too,because childrens will follow what,we do.Spend time,in bringing ur child to meet friends or family with kids to interact.Do outdoor activities(eg.zoo,beach,playground,swimming pool.To socialise more.

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I work with students with autism and autism cannot be caused by excessive screen time. It’s something that people are born with, nothing to do with how they were taken care of after birth. Best to seek medical advice for your child’s issue. They’ll be best to provide advice on whether it’s autism or just anti-social behavior because of the lack of social interaction from young.

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Please cut out all Screentime and give him other options during play time. My friend daughter started talking at 4yo and she is not autistic But too much screentime until she dont know how To socialize With ppl. All the best To u..

12mo ago

Agree with anon. As the main and only caregiver, I cannot afford to sit there 24/7 just to play with her. My daughter learns a lot from the screen as she doesn’t attend school. Of course, not 24/7, but times when I really need to do some stuffs or even take a poop, screen time is no choice. I personally feel abit of sceeen time is okay as they can learn from it (I let her watch Ms Rachel, mother goose club and blippi). On and off she will also surprise me with new vocabs she learnt from the tv. My daughter starts screen time around 3mo (hearing no watching) and now she talks like a machine gun without mute button.

How old is your LO? My baby started watching children’s program on tv when she’s 3mo. She’s soon to be 1yo, very interactive. I don’t think screen time causes autism?

12mo ago

I only let my baby watches Ms Rachel and Super Simple Songs. The TV is always on whenever she’s awake. Sometimes she watches and claps her hands when it’s her fav songs. Sometimes she plays independently and doesn’t watch it, even though it’s playing in the background. We also sing and dance to the songs. And we only let her watches the big TV screen. Videos on phone are for emergency when we are outside. I myself was a tv child. Still love watching it. And my eyesight is still good, no specs 🤣😆

I don't think screen time causes autism,but it appears to affect the baby's behaviour. Do seek PD advice on how to reduce screen time for your child.