Screen time for 2 month old

Do mummies give in to babies at this age for screen time? If they are throwing tantrum and none of the methods works and resulted in screen time with limited time? My husband has been giving our baby screen time and when i tell him at least to limit the time , he said thats rubbish. Im so worried about my bahy's cognitive development #FTM #pleasehelp

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Babies at 2 months is too young to have screen time.Best to not allow any screen time,and limit it,as they grow older,as this will have effects on their brain and language development.At this age,they don't throw tantrums.If ur baby is fussy or crying,it could be,time to change the diaper,hungry,due to colic and gas inside the stomach or just wants ur attention, to be cuddle.Buy 'Woodwards'gripe water oral solution,it's good for releasing wind inside stomach and when teething.Use baby oil to massage the stomach,from belly button downwards,front and back of the body,and both legs and feets.

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Hi mummy, hoping your LO is no longer exposed to screen time. Came across this video and thought it’s good to explain why screen time is strictly no no for babies under 2.

Ya need to really limit. Sometimes when i on tv and baby will look at it and i will straight away turn him. Best to distract with other stuff, like rattle, music, pacifier, white noise

screen time at 2 months is detrimental to their development. it should be zero screen time. infants don't throw tantrums too. they only have needs

1y ago

Agree. Infants usually fussy for a reason. Their needs are not met. They dont throw tantrum at this age. Maybe still hungry, increase milk intake ? Or wet diaper, or stomach not feeling good, reflux, may try to burp them again, or sometimes they just want your attention. My 2 months old sometimes a bit fussy but when i try to slowly talk to him, he’ll turn back to be happy and just want to talk and talk. May also try to swaddle, or bring outside walk walk abit, even if its just corridor