Any recommendations for fertility clinic? Is it a must to do vagina ultrasound? I was too nervous when trying to do vagina ultrasound scan that I gave up doing the check and requested for non vagina ultrasound scan but the fertility clinic told me got to come another day as that got to be done in another place. Hope to see another clinic which is more flexible unlike the one I gone to to avoid wasting my leave.

KKH IVF Center(Dr. Sadjana) and Dr. Marianne Hendricks at Mount E Novena. Did IUI with at KKH and Dr. Hendricks was my Gynae during pregnancy after the successful treatment from KKH. Dr. Hendricks does fertility test and treatment too, just that hers will be under private, while KKH has subsidy.
Please don't be nervous about getting a vaginal ultrasound. It doesn't hurt one bit and if you tell the people there that you are anxious, they will make sure they are gentle. As for fertility clinics, heard Virtus fertility centre is really good. Good luck!
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vaginal scan would be more accurate to check ur ovulation actually, thats y all fertility clinic will be using vaginal scan, they will put lubricant on so u dont feel any pain. dont worry.
Try KKH fertility centre