Anti stretch marks lotion
Any recommendations for anti stretch marks lotion or cream to be used during pregnancy? And when is the best time to start using them?

I started at week 4! :) Ive tried a few and I find Palmer's most economical and useful for me. I used the butter. Bio oil is okay too and there's barely any scent, if scents put you off during pregnancy. Palmer's and Clarins have pretty strong scents and you might want to smell them before purchasing. I personally didn't like clarin's fragrance.
Read moreDuring pregnancy i used bio oil, i didn't have stretch marks until i am a month away from giving birth then i have some stretch marks. After birth, i am using the photo above and now my stretch marks lighten and lesser.

Thanks Pamela 😊
Thanks Mummy J 😊 Surely helpful!
Bio oil! Recommended to use from the start of 2nd trimester which is 13 weeks. No stretch marks so far and I've been using this brand since my last pregnancy
Can! I also forgot and only started using at 15 weeks. Blame the pregnancy brain 😬
Mine go to brand is Mustela. Best to start from 2nd trimester onwards.
Thanks Rochelle! I'll check out. Another doubt, is applying twice a day is enough?
use them starting from now. even if you do not have it now.
Thank you 😊