I'm down...and depressed

Recently i been post about bleeding, as i go to KKH and my baby was fine as i the doctor also show me the heartbeat still there. And i been given a hormones medication for 2 weeks. And they give me a scanning date to for 2 weeks later to check. It was yesterday, sadly after the scanning, i waited to see my doctor for a good normal news.. Sadly when I've been told that they couldn't see any heartbeat 😞😭😞. And there's a few blood around my baby, They can't know when it started. I ask them how did this happen they said it could be genetic of the baby was not that really good, or the bleeding time. They suggest me to wait another 1 weeks to rescanning again to double confirm if still the same no heart beats. I need to prepare for the natural bleeding, or with medication or 5 min surgery. And as for today in the morning, i had my first pee, and looks like some dark brown in my urine. I'm so sad and need to prepared with my pad, I couldn't believe this is my 2 time i loss my baby. I have my 4 kids and i believe Allah has better plans for me. Blessed. 😞😭

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VIP Member

Sorry to hear that. Hope that u are fine. There always better things ahead for u and ur family ❤️

Super Mum

Hugs sis… sorry you’re going through this.. ❤️