4 Day Old Baby

Recently just gave birth. My baby is 4 days old and he has not pooped for almost 2 days now. And most people are just telling me that I am not feeding enough even though I am dping it every 2 hours and even my husband just keeps pushing me to do more... I am so tired, exhausted and just so beaten down... just want to sit and cry Is this normal? I am breast feeding him and because my supply is not very good I was told by a lactation nurse to top up with a formula and so I did. My baby and I went for a check up on Monday and they took his blood for a jaundice check and he went crazy crying and screaming. I dont know what to do... I have been breastfeeding now for 4 days and my nipples are all sore and cracked and so I have gone to using hand expressions and breast pumps just to feed. Plus, yesterday my baby had some brick dust in the diaper... Anyone else going through this?

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Jiayou mummy. My milk supply didnt come in until 1 week as well. And was facing terrible pains from prolapse piles, episiotomy wound, extreme fatigue and lots of crying. Agree with the other mummys. Look after yourself first. Eat regularly drink plenty of fluids and get rest. With enough calorie intake and rest the milk supply will come. Meanwhile top up with formula milk. Talk to husband about your feelings. It will get better I promise!!

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