RANT. I think I am having the laziest monster in law ever. My MIL is someone who doesn't cook, doesn't like to cook, doesn't want to cook person because o her washing a plate is a chore. Cleaning up the whole kitchen after a meal is a chore. My husband grow up not eating home cooked meals except for CNY, or on his birthday, they don't even sit together for a meal. I am currently living with in laws ever since I gave birth and btw I love to cook for my husband. Well in fact its better to eat home cooked food isn't it? We haven't got our own place yet. My MIL said she will help me during confinement and cook but by the 3rd day he say he was running out of ideas. She only cooked 2 soups which I told her what to put in, and that was it. The rest of the month I shopped at supermarket , cooked and clean up, take care of my newborn feed, clean, bathe, pump milk with my c sect wound still not healed yet. I at most have 2 hours sleep a day. Did she try to help looking after baby, sure she did. When I am cleaning baby, she stand next to me and watch, when I was bathing she stand next to me and splash water on baby, when I needed her to help when I took a break with husband, I came back with baby diaper not changed and she said that she knew he soiled his diaper and waited for me to cone home and change. When she feed baby, baby was basically sucking air. When baby was bloated and crying, instead of burping, she force feed more, or insist me on feeding him. When my milk supply ran low cause I was down with flu, she insisted my milk is drying up and want me to switch to formula totally. Among all this, she went around the family to spread untrue things about me to father in law, brother in law and my husband which caused unhappiness. This morning I went to the kitchen and found that she kept the container used for storing rice away, there was still some rice in the container for 1-2 more cooking. She have this dirty habit of throwing things away, even if its not hers to begin with. This is her way of telling me not to cook anymore as even if I were to cook only soup, she will instruct my FIL to scrub the kitchen floor. My poor father in law does laundry, ironing, clean up kitchen while she behaves like a Buddha sitting in front of the computer watching her Korean soap opera. I am not asking for any advise or sympathy here, i m just sick of her. Sick and tired of her and I can't stand even the sight of her or hear her voice.

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