Any probiotic to recommend for 4 year old?

Usana probiotics.. Usana probiotics contains BB12 and LGG which are similar to the good bacteria that are part of a natural gut flora (primarily found in the colon). Dozens of studies on these strains have demonstrated benefits for digestive health and immunity. These strains are so effective, in part, because they survive transit through the harsh, acidic environment of the stomach to colonize the intestines. Reaching the intestines alive is essential for getting results from your probiotic.
Read moreAs per docs recommendation yogurt is the best .. it hv natural probiotics ..
I am giving Lacto GG to my girl. It was recommended by her PD and also kkh.
Bio Gaia which can be used for babies too - can add to food etc.
Vitagen or yakult is fine
Yakult should be good
Probiotic I take Bio-gaia
can try biostime
taking youguth
Lacto gg.
Momsy of 2