Pregnancy Wk 4 & Urine Alot
Do pregnant mums urine alot? I have to wake up at least once or twice at night during sleep. Is it normal?

Yes definitely! Gets more frequent in 3rd tri. I'll have to pee within half hr of drinking water. Even when I tried not to drink anything at least 4 hours before bedtime, I still had to go to the bathroom 2-3 times every night.
Yes i urine alot from first trimester up till last tri and its tiring. But Be sure to still drink lots of water to avoid wAter retention and dehydration.
omg yes! always woke up from 3 to 5 jus to pee. 🤣esp during my 4 wks. now abit ok. i do sleep straight hrs ady but i pee oftsn i the morning.
Yes.. Although ive stopped drinking water since 10pm, but i still have to pee 4-5 times until the next morning 9 am😩
yes its common. i get up at least 2 times a night.Before being pregnant, i just slept thru the night.
yes that’s normal, even me sometimes wokeup more than 3 times at night’s normal..same with me when i was pregnant🙊🙈
yes, I always feel urgent and need to pee in the midnight.
week 6 now 3-4 times a night 😌
Perfectly normal!