The power of being a mom is not measured on anything. No matter how tired and stressed you are you still have lots of things to do. Being a mom is not an easy job. It’s a lifetime job. You can’t run away from it. As we woke up in the morning doing things that we are used to do till the time we go to sleep we still have to do something for our children. Tuck them to sleep till they doze off. And the cycle will go on and on. You can say you are tired and this and that but it’s apart of being married,of being a mom,of being someone’s wife. It our job to take care of our family no matter how tired and worn out we are. I just got discharged from the hospi yesterday and I thought when get home i could rest but it turns out I can’t because a housewife is always on duty. I’m grateful that I’m a wife to my hubby who sometimes can be a pain in the head too(asked them to do something but they’ll do it tomorrow and might not do it at ALL). And I’m blessed with a beautiful manje daughter and not to mention also my 2nd baby is in my tummy too. We are all blessed with so many things in so many ways we just have to be grateful of it every single day of our life. Insya Allah everything will go as we want it to be. Sending love and positivity to all you moms out there who are stressed and sad and confused of what you are feeling right now. And all my prayers to all of you who are trying conceive. May we be blessed with what Allah wants us to have.