What is the purpose of drinking coconut water during last trim?
Pls advise
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More to hydrate and cool your body actually cos normally the last trimester is when you're more heaty & you sweat alot. Nothing to do with a 'cleaner' baby cos all my kids still comes out with vernix which is important & good for their skin as protection.
Super Mum
It’s a myth that the amniotic fluid (water in the water bag) will be clearer. Lol. But it tastes good and is refreshing, good for when you feel like an internal sauna in your third trim. Heh
My gynae says no scientific benefits other than having electrolytes & hydrate you. But if u want, u can drink
When should we take the coconut water? Is it closer to due date? How many times should we take it?
4y ago
Supposedly to have cleaner amniotic fluid. But I think is to cool the body down
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