Help! My lil one has a block nose that I couldn't clear.

Please kindly share more information about this. My baby girl is 3 months and 11 days and she has a clear situation of blocked nose. I've tried applying saline solution/use a nasal aspirator and went to the PD which gave a medication to add into her milk which honestly I don't see the effect of her nose clearing up at all. Its getting very worrying when she squirms a lot and walk up bursting into tears in the night when she is trying to sleep. Any ode

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You can try using a cotton bud to clean her nose gently when blocked. Be careful not to push the mucus in - work your way outwards instead. Hope your baby feels better.

You can try sterimar nasal baby spray . Once the mucus softens, you can use nasal aspirator to clear her nose.

Try Happynoz patches? It works pretty well for my LO when she has trouble sleeping with blocked nose.