first trimester of pregnancy what food to avoid

Please help me find No, No food list. first time mum here/

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Hi, congrats on your pregnancy! Avoid raw food, your food should all be fully cooked, including eggs. Avoid alcohol, even those in food. I find mild spicy food still ok, but depends on individual, how well u take spicy food, if not best if you can avoid it entirely. Also avoid fish/seafood that is high in mercury. Apart from that, I also avoid chinese herbs, gassy drinks and reduce my intake of "cooling" food, reduce sugar/salt intake and try to have a healthier diet if you can. More importantly, have a balanced diet!

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2y ago

Also adding on, try to also avoid chemicals during this period, such as hair colour, manicure, pesticides, cigarettes (including 2nd hand smoke from it). Don't carry too heavy stuff and avoid exercises that may be too vigorous.

Raw, undercooked, alcohol, herbs, papaya. Everything else in moderation. I wasn’t that particular about food and didn’t have MS so I pretty much still eat everything (except for the above mentioned). Happy mummy and baby came out full term and healthy ☺️.

hey, you can check out the "food and nutrition" feature in the tools section of the Asian Parent app. This will let you know what to eat and what not to eat during your pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc phase

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As long as there's no raw food, no alcohol, no spicy food. Eating in moderation and healthily. You can search on googles or in this TAP platform with articles to help you with some food guidance intake.

Onsen egg / soft boiled egg / sunny side up also cannot. All foods consumed must be fully cooked. I avoided herbs as well.

avoid raw food and alcohol.