Which side is the best?

Comment below which part of Singapore you live in ??

Which side is the best?
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Few year ago i live @mount sophia area n working at spore with my sister in law(embassy) ..😉✌before back to malaysia.. luv to stay there... Spore got a lot of place that we need to visit...banyak tmpt menarik.. i luvin it... Tasaba nak visit ke sana lagi jika ada kesempatan bring my baby n husband together ..but now c.ovid issue right?? 😔Hope c.ovid can go for far2 away n forever from this duniya and after that we can go anywhere anyplace that we luv...aamiin

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Northwest. Thinking slightly northeast will be better

East side is the best side.

Eastie 👍🏽👍🏽

Northie for life lol

VIP Member

Upper bt timah

Kind of west

VIP Member

South west

