Acis Reflux or Colic Baby

Hi parents..i need so down right now.. Itz juz me and hubby taking care of our baby..when hubby at werk i will b alone taking care.. She's 1mth plus..since day 1 she have been vomiting milk..went to PD and diagnosed wif acid reflux...been given probiotics n motilium.. Previously was on Enfamil Pro A+ then now Nan Supreme Pro HA..she still vomits milk..quite a lot till from her nose..n at times constipated..her poop will haf mixture of paste n squishy poop... Shes been cranky.. especially at night n whatever we do for bathing..diaper change..she will cry..she crys alot wen shes awake.. We did burp her halfway on her 120ml feed then once finished will burp her again..we let her in upright position for half hr..adjusted her cot to be slanted.. elevated pillow too.. numerous tries of different rubs.. What do i do? Im confuse if shes colic too... But so far..She never refuse i change formula again? What formula? PD wans to recommend NAN AR but afraid it will make her constipated due to e starch...dun noe wat to do oreadi..some frens saes itz normal till 3mths...

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my baby is similar, i tried ridwind pescrive by doctor but does not help alot. now using the old school gripe water and it works wonders for me. baby less cranky. baby now on bellamy stage 1 mixed with nutramigen. previously only on bellamy and baby is constipated. nutramigen is gentle on baby's stomach so he poops every 1-1.5 days. try use baby stomach binder, helps prevent wind.

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