Confinement food to share with family

Hello, just out of curiosity, has anyone had confinement food shared with the whole family? Dishes like veggie with ginger seems okay to share... But what about those herbal soups?

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Even veggie with ginger also not recommended. My Husband ate it few times and he actually got fever. Cos too heaty

Super Mum

Did not share with my whole family. Only share with husband. I did not share with him my herbal soup though..

My sister tried the herbal soup but turns out to be rly heaty. I only share my veggie and fish hahaha

VIP Member

I share my confinement food with my hubby, except for those tonic food which I consumed it myself.

VIP Member

Nope. Confinement food is suitable for mums in confinement. It’s too heaty for any other person

Hi, I think it is okay to share. Also the nanny can help you with what all not to share etc.

Can share but my mil say cannnot leh lo eat if nt they will be naughty in future..

Yes share . The confinement nanny will advise what other can or cannot eat .


Should be ok to share but it can be heaty for other family members

Yup, our confinement lady cooked so well the hubby also wanna eat