Should induce or wait

Is it okay to induce at 39weeks or should I wait natural birth?

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Hi there! I was induced at 40 weeks, waited for 18 hours but was only dilated to 3cm. Had the full dose of it. This resulted in a cesarean. What I didn’t know is that full dilation and a successful vaginal birth is only due to the body being ready for a spontaneous birth. My body was not ready even at 40 weeks. Now that I’m on my second pregnancy at 26weeks, I have done all my research and talked to so many mommies and doulas and it’s best to avoid any medical interventions (being induced, membrane sweep, balloon, breaking of water bag, etc) unless is required due to baby/mother’s health is in distress. It’s really up to you ultimately with what’s your birth plan and how you would like to start your motherhood around postpartum. I hope this helps ❤️ any birth is beautiful, as long as it’s your birth and not controlled by your health provider. All the best ☺️

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