Is it okay if the baby eats icing during the cake smash pictorial?

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Totally fine. Smash cakes are specially made for babies and that's the real purpose of smash cakes. Of course, when a baby smashes it, tendency is he would put it inside his mouth. Anyway, the photoshoot takes several minutes only and you can put away the cake from the baby right after.

For me, yes. Smash cakes have special ingredients that are safe for kids at their age to eat. In fact, my son started to taste his cake when he was 7 months. As long as it doesn't happen all the time and everything is in moderation, I don't see any problem with that.

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Yes it's perfectly safe. Cake icings are usually made of boiled/marshmallow icing or royal/sugar icing. But you may stop your baby from doing so just to prevent him/her eat too much sweets.