is it ok for a person who is pregnent to drink coffee

Yes but at most 1 cup a day. Singapore kopi tends to be quite strong so I think shouldn't drink a whole cup. I drank decaf coffee and tea.
try to limit a few cups per week. i'm a coffee lover but i try to cut down during my pregnancy period
Yes it’s ok. But in moderation. However, if u can resist caffeine intake, pls do :)
It's ok to take 1 cup per day. My gynae allowed me to limit 1cup for one day is ok.
Yes, but my gynae emphasizes only a cup a day. One cup of coffee = Two cups of tea
Hey, Yes should be fine but please have in moderation. Also try having Decaf :)
yes, keep to once daily if you have to drink daily.. if not drink occasionally
Can but just one cup a day and maybe not more than twice a week...
Yup! My gynae and dietician limit to max 2 cups per day
Don't forget chocolate n tea contains caffeine too...